Times have long gone since the identity of a business is acceptable without diversity, equality, and inclusion. The integration of DEI demonstrates that any company’s willingness to grow and prosper with current times but also stands for participation of different cultural and societal perspectives. Many companies have jumped on board and began implementing training practices to ensure that the focus remains on efficiency through diversity and inclusion.

Some people, however, do not share in the same sentiment. According to a research survey, 16% of people out of a group of 4,744 claim that DEI is a bad thing and 28% believe that it is neither a good nor a bad thing. This information has not stopped companies from implementing diversity and inclusion policies within their structure. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that about 4 in 10 (38%) have participated in certain training courses in the last year.

So how effective is diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace? Reports have shown that equality in the number of men and women has increased revenue of 41%. “Gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to notice higher financial returns”. The sooner a company adapts, the sooner they may prosper. However if this falls short and experience discrimination and harassment, it can cause serious controversy and garner a possible course of legal action.

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