Checking Instagram again? It is normal to stay up to date socially and on news happening around the world as well but doing so on company time may or may not affect your employee rights.

Studies show that social media activity and content have been deciding factors for recruiters when reviewing potential candidates. Furthermore, it has been something that most employers prohibit engaging in during work hours or on company-owned devices. This not only may affect productivity but also interfere with your privacy rights.

With this said, it is important to understand that although employers hold the right to monitor the content on their company devices, the information may not be used for discrimination practices. Meaning they cannot discriminate against any future or existing employees based on the content they share on social media through company owned devices or not. This includes but is not limited to race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, and immigration status.

To play it safe, ensure that your content is tasteful and if possible, only use social media outside of the workplace/working hours on your own devices.

If you have further questions or feel that your rights may have been violated. Giv us a call.


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