4 Crucial Steps to Take After Workplace Discrimination

It’s never easy to experience discrimination at work. You are there to do a job and earn an income. However, some employers wrongfully treat their employees wrong, discriminating against them when hiring and deciding if and when to promote someone. If you...

How Can I Prove Potential Workplace Discrimination?

If you feel your employer discriminates against you because of yourrace,age,gender, color, sexual orientation, or any other protected class, it can become difficult to prove. Finding the right evidence in your case is crucial, but it may not seem like it’s...

Law360 Wyndham Destinations Inc. Article

A California federal judge has approved a $1.5 million settlement to resolve two consolidated class actions brought by salespeople who claimed timeshare giant Wyndham Destinations Inc. and a subsidiary cheated them out of wages and paid breaks. U.S. District Judge...
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