This is one of the toughest things you have undergone, we get it. What is next? Most civilians within driving states do not think that they are susceptible to such an event yet reports indicate that fatalities related to auto accidents have reached a staggering 4,285 in 2021 which indicates that auto accidents in California are not only on the rise but a good amount are lethal or life altering and it is important to know what to do after an accident to prevent as much damage.

For those who survive a catastrophic car accident may suffer severe injuries that are not only life threatening but are life changing which carries the burden of high medical expenses, additional injuries, strain on personal relationships, and a multitude of mental health issues. We have seen it all, amputation, spinal cord, and even traumatic brain injuries. And we have seen the effects that all these injuries have had on loved ones. Our team of legal experts found it necessary to inform Los Angeles residents and those nearby of crucial steps to take after an auto accident to help build your case immediately should you come across any major hardship.


This should be a no-brainer but sometimes being involved in an auto accident can be so shocking that this step is missed by so many which leads to additional car wrecks that could have been prevented. If you are physically able to, please pull over on the side of the road away from on coming traffic.

2. CALL 9-1-1

It is always best to have the accident reported by a police officer as it adds as proof to what has occurred even if it may not always be accurate, in addition it makes sure that law enforcement is there to guide traffic in the off chance that you are not able to.


If you are experiencing pain or have been seriously injured, seeking medical treatment immediately will aid in preventing further damage to sustained injuries.


This is particularly important because we want to make sure that your case is at its strongest when you give us a call.


Again, if you are well and able to, take photos of the damage that was done to your vehicle and the other vehicle if possible. This will help the insurance company evaluate the damage, but it may also serve as additional evidence of how the accident occurred.


Once you have followed all these steps! Give us a call. We want to make sure that you are safe and taken care of! We know the road to recovery can be a grueling one, we want to join your fight and help get you paid for your suffering.

7. SR1 FORM!

One of the most underrated steps for many people who have experienced an auto accident is filling out the SR1 form! This form is required by the DMV to be filled out within 10 days after a car accident for any injury, death, or damage of $1,000 or more.


Once all has been said and done, this is the time to call your insurance company for any initial coverage that you are going to need.

Car accidents can be scary, you don’t have to be. At the end of the day if everyone is alive and healthy that is the most important piece to this story. Please be aware of your surroundings and drive safely.

See you next time,

Team Bark Law.

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