According to the National Safety Council “work-related medically consulted injuries totaled 4.53 million in 2022”. The astronomical numbers come as no surprise to us as we have seen many injured workers walk through our doors seeking comfort and recompensation for sustained damages. The road to recovery and repayment can be a difficult one so your transition back to work should be met with ease. We have put together some tips and listed a few programs that will ensure you are back to yourself in no time.

Before you embark on the road to recovery, let us take preventative measures. Make sure that you are informed of any existing programs that your employer may offer within the company to assist you should you require modifications to your daily tasks in the workplace in case of an injury. The process of these programs may entail support from fellow coworkers, job modifications, flexible scheduling for medical appointments as needed.

Depending on how severe your injury is you may not even be able to return to your previous job as expected. Not all hope is lost. The Transitional Return to Work Program (TRTW) is an initiative to ensure that injured workers are re-embarking in the workforce as soon as medically possible. According to the site, This process requires the participative efforts of the employee, employer, and medical provider.

“This program is not intended to supersede the or modify the procedures applicable to employees eligible for reasonable accommodation covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), or leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and/or the California Family Rights Act (CFRA)”.  This program is specifically designed to help injured workers return to work with restrictions should they require them with clear directions from their physician. It is important to note that this program only lasts up to 120 days. The pay will remain the same as previously held throughout this period and additional compensation may be available after review of the claim’s administrator. This in mind, no overtime will be permitted.


If your injury concludes you are no longer able to perform your regular job duties as required, you may be eligible for Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits (SJDB). These benefits are in the form of a voucher that will aid in an injured worker’s education towards a different career path. This voucher will be directed you from the insurance claims administrator. Your general legal counsel or attorney should be able to assist you with this voucher. Furthermore, if you qualify for the SJDB, you are also encouraged to apply for the Return To Work Supplemental Program (RTWP). This program will grant you $5,000 additional funds for any potential lost wages.

If you have any further questions or concerns or should you or someone you know, find themselves in need of legal representation due to work-related injuries give us a call at (888) 514-5112 or schedule a call back here. Our best workers’ compensation attorneys are here to help.

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