There are so many incidents that happen everyday while on the clock. Usually when they result in injuries it is important to distinguish what happened to the best of your ability. Once you can gather enough evidence you will be able to determine which course of action you would like to take. There are usually two legal directions that you can take after a work injury. A Workers’ Comp case or a Personal Injury lawsuit.

The first and most common case after a work injury is a workers’ compensation claim. These types of cases usually do not require extraneous evidence only to prove that your duties while on the clock are the root cause of any injuries sustained. Once this evidence has been presented, and once medical professionals approve those injuries and any additional injuries that may arise, your case will be healthy enough to settle or litigate.

The second legal pathway to take is a Personal Injury lawsuit. These cases are typically more difficult to settle than Workers’ Comp because the evidence needed to determine the strength of the case is usually extensive. In order to successfully prove that you have a Personal Injury case in your hands, there needs to be undoubtingly proof of negligence. This means that someone’s negligence cause significant injury. The payout however usually entails a lot more than Worker’s Comp.

With this said, you may not file both type of cases at the same time. However, should you be denied in your personal injury pursuits, there are still Workers’ Comp opportunities to explore.

If you have any questions or need legal advice regarding your case, please do not hesitate to give us a call at  888-514-5112 or schedule your call back here.

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